Company Set to Study Online Poker Industry
Todd | October 2, 2008

Castle Technologies, an interactive gaming software developer, announced today that they are creating a white paper discussing the online gaming industry. They claim online gaming will grow to a $48 billion industry by 2010 and a whopping $125 billion by 2015. Their white paper will include information on the games they are currently developing, such as Texas Hold’em, Omaha, and Stud. They also have a patent-pending progressive jackpot feature and new tournament structures.
While it is exciting to see another player enter the online gaming market, one must wonder if these applications will ever see the light of day. Established brands like Prima and Microgaming already have mature applications available for licensing. A quick visit to Castle Technologies’ website yielded no demos or references for the fledgling company.
The one encouraging tidbit is the growth of the online gambling industry. If analysts are even half right, that’s a $60+ billion industry we will see in just under 10 years. So, perhaps there is indeed room for new players like Castle, but only time will tell.