Poker Strategy

George | May 23, 2018

When you play Texas Hold’em regularly with your pals, you might want to spice up your home games. If you’ve already mastered your friends’ tells and habits, you might seek a different challenge. Playing a different, more innovative game could be the answer. That contemporary version you’re looking for could be Split Hold’em. The game […]

Carl Sampson | January 20, 2012

I have played poker for a long time, nearly ten years as a pro or semi-pro. Although I have read a lot of poker theory, I have designed my own poker style. Where I play online, I see a wide range of styles from many different players. However, remember that not all styles will suit […]

Carl Sampson | December 13, 2011

If you are idle about taking notes or have an aversion to using tracking software, you need to classify players in other ways. Failing to classify players in online poker is a recipe for disaster; you cannot just spin your wheel and hope to make money. I have played a lot of full ring NLHE […]

Carl Sampson | November 22, 2011

There are many instances where you need to value bet the river in no-limit play, even with marginal holdings. This is especially true against sophisticated opponents who have a good understanding of your ranges at all stages of the hand. Let’s say you only ever bet the river with very strong hands and bluffs, checking […]

Carl Sampson | November 5, 2011

I always think that one of the key mistakes many players make in deep stack No-Limit Hold’em games is getting pot committed too often. Let me explain with an example. It has been folded around to the cut-off at NL100 ring with $100 effective stacks, who then makes it $3.50 to go. You see Queen […]

Carl Sampson | November 2, 2011

When you sit down to play in any NLHE ring game, you must know where your profit potential will come from. If you do not know this, you are committing the biggest sin in poker: guessing. As the great Amarillo “Slim” Preston once said, “Guessing is for losers.” If you sit down in a poker […]

Chris Wheeler | September 28, 2011

Many poker players claim to rely on instinct. They’re not worried about odds and percentages; they have a good knowledge of the game and trust their gut feelings. The reality is that these players are putting themselves at a disadvantage. Taking the time to learn how to calculate pot odds will add a powerful element […]

Chris Wheeler | September 26, 2011

It’s a beautiful sight. You’ve been dealt absolute garbage for the past half hour, and finally, you find yourself looking down at 9 of Spades10 of Spades – something to play with. Your eyes light up at the prospect of a miracle flop. You’re in middle position, admiring your hole cards when suddenly there’s a […]

Chris Wheeler | September 21, 2011

Bankroll management (BRM) refers to the management of a poker player’s funds. Once a player masters the art of effective BRM, he or she can protect these funds by never risking a large percentage of this money at any one time. By implementing bankroll management effectively, we can allow for variance and still provide ourselves […]

Chris Wheeler | September 20, 2011

No matter how quick you are at calculating pot odds or how sharp you are at distinguishing between an honest bet and a stone-cold bluff, your skills at the felt won’t mean a thing over time if you haven’t mastered effective bankroll management. When we talk about bankroll management (BRM), we’re referring to a system […]