Pot Odds

Chris Wheeler | September 28, 2011
Pot Odds

Many poker players claim to rely on instinct. They’re not worried about odds and percentages; they have a good knowledge of the game and trust their gut feelings. The reality is that these players are putting themselves at a disadvantage.

Taking the time to learn how to calculate pot odds will add a powerful element to your poker arsenal. It will also give you an undisputed edge over those instinctive players.

Before you dismiss this article as too hard, slow down for a minute. The principle behind pot odds and the process of working them out is not nearly as difficult as you might expect.

Pot Odds – What are they?

Pot odds call the law of averages into play, rather than blind luck, to determine whether calling an opponent’s bet will likely be profitable. In other words, when applying pot odds to your game, you work out your chances of winning the hand and weigh these chances against what it will cost you to stay in the hand.

This means that the next time you find yourself sitting on a flush or straight draw, you’ll be able to decide whether to call or fold based on the size of your opponent’s bets.

Working out pot odds

There are two ways that pot odds can be calculated.

  1. The Ratio Method
  2. The Percentage Method

We can talk about gut feelings and instincts all day, but the reality is that if you base all your drawing decisions on pot odds rather than what “feels right,” you’ll win more money over time.

Pot odds aren’t just useful for making calls. If you’re smart, you can use them to decide how much to bet to protect a made hand.

If you think an opponent is drawing to a straight or a flush, bet an amount that forces them to call a greater percentage of the pot than their percentage chance of completing the draw. By doing that, you give them every logical reason to fold. Sure, sometimes they might decide to call, and sometimes they might get lucky. But over time, pot odds will reign supreme — and so will you.