Rebuy & Add-On Tournament Strategy

Niko | May 27, 2009
Rebuy and Add-On

Many online poker sites run numerous rebuy and add-on tournaments. These tournaments attract players with both small and large bankrolls. Players with small bankrolls can buy-in once and play the tournament like a freeze out. Meanwhile, players with larger bankrolls can rebuy multiple times to build their stacks and increase their chances of winning.

Rebuy tournaments typically designate the first hour for rebuys. After this hour, an optional add-on becomes available. Once this period ends, rebuys are no longer allowed, and the main poker tournament begins. If you reach the add-on period, always purchase the add-on. It usually costs the same as the original buy-in but gives you double the chips.

To win a rebuy tournament, play loose and aggressive during the first hour. If you bust out, you can simply rebuy and continue. In the first hour, playing aggressively is crucial. Everyone plays looser, so when you get a big hand, you can bet big and still get called.

For example, if you are dealt pocket aces or kings during the rebuy stage, raise four times the big blind. If reraised, move all-in. Players often get their chips in for a coin flip or even slightly behind at this stage, as they aim to build their stack. Use this to your advantage to double up when you have a strong hand.

Coin flips in the early stages

Players enjoy coin flips in the early stages of a rebuy tournament because they offer positive expected value. The goal is to build your chip stack, so as long as you aren’t behind when going all-in, it’s the right play. Winning a few coin flips in a row helps build a stack for the freeze-out portion of the tournament.

However, it’s possible to overuse this strategy and get your chips in with the worst hand. For example, with pocket 2’s, the best outcome is a coin flip. If you’re against a higher pocket pair, you’re at a severe disadvantage. You need to be smart about when to get your money into the pot. Low pairs aren’t ideal. Mid to high pairs or big cards like Aces and Kings are preferable for pre-flop moves.

If you start moving in with almost any hand, you’ll quickly find yourself spending too many rebuys. It’s essential to balance aggression with smart decision-making to avoid unnecessary losses.

The add-on stage

If you make it to the add-on stage, always purchase the add-on. It costs the same as the buy-in but gives you double the chips, offering great value. Every serious player aiming to win the tournament will purchase the add-on. The more chips you have, the more you can win in a double-up situation. View the add-on chips as a way to help build your stack further.

Once the rebuy stage ends, switch to your regular tournament strategy. Tighten up and aim to get your chips in with the best hand, not just in coin flip situations. Some opponents will struggle to adjust their play style, giving you an advantage. Identify and exploit these loose players as the tournament progresses.

Rebuy tournaments are popular at online poker sites and can be very profitable. Use the structure to your advantage by embracing the high action of the first hour. The optimal strategy involves playing loose and aggressive early to build your stack. In the freeze-out portion, switch to a tight-aggressive style. Remember to adjust your strategy after purchasing the add-on, and you’ll be on your way to success.