Late Stage Freeroll Tournament Strategy

Chris Wheeler | September 18, 2011
Freeroll Tournaments

Good effort! You’re through the worst of it (the early stage and the middle stage) and into the money. You’re guaranteed a cool $0.75!

This is a freeroll, remember? You’ll have to work harder if you want to score any decent payout. The reality is that to be happy with the amount you bank in relation to the hours you’ve now invested in this tournament, you probably need to reach the final table.

Don’t panic—that was the goal anyway, right?

Just like any tournament, good play isn’t foolproof. You still need to dodge a few remaining donkeys who have managed to accidentally build monster stacks, but you can do it.

The blinds are sky-high now, and unless you’re lucky enough to be sitting behind a mountain of chips, you’ll have to make a few bluffs to take down pots and stay competitive. The key is bluffing effectively and at the right times. Play smart poker.

Try not to get tangled up in too many pots with the big stacks at your table. By that, I mean don’t make targets of them. If you end up with a monster hand and put your chips in the pot, look to get the most out of it. But constantly calling their raises and hoping to hit will hurt you more than it will hurt them.

Instead, capitalize on the short stacks. They’re under pressure, and anything you can do to add to this pressure is beneficial. When you squeeze a short stack by raising when they limp, re-raising their initial raise, or raising when they’re in the blind, they either have to fold a large percentage of their stack or push all in. They’re usually not going to want to do either, which works in your favor.

If they fold, you’ve earned a few extra chips and placed them under more pressure. If they push, it’s usually out of necessity, not because they have a quality hand. You’re probably going to be ahead and knock them out. If not, or if you suffer a bad beat, it will cost you next to nothing.

As the field narrows, start taking note of how some of the stronger players in the tournament are playing. Sure, anything can happen from here, but you should be able to identify a handful of players who will likely make the final table.

Taking note of how they handle themselves in the business end of the tournament can only help you, as you’ll likely face some of them once you reach the final table.

Blinds are crucial. You should be looking to squeeze with any decent hand in late position unless you feel a player in the blinds is likely to push all in as the short stack, but with a stack big enough to deter you from committing to the hand.

Aggression is key here—you won’t be able to win through passive play. Capitalize on weaker opponents by continually building pressure and forcing your adversaries to make hard decisions. Don’t allow them the opportunity to suck out on you, and don’t allow yourself to be strung along. Put your foot down and direct the play as you see fit.

Playing the final table – short stacked

You’ve made the final table, but barely. You’re the short stack, and things aren’t looking great. Don’t sweat it; you’ve done an incredible job to get this far, and anything more than what you’re currently guaranteed is a bonus. However, it’s not worth just bleeding your stack out and finishing in 9th or 10th place. Get your chips in.

You won’t have much time to wait for a hand. The blinds will come around eventually, and in the meantime, you have antes to worry about. Any Ace, any King, or suited connectors are automatic shove hands here. A premium hand is a godsend, but it’s unlikely to happen. If none of the above reveal themselves, try to get the most value for your all-in bet.

For instance, you have a stack of 30,000, and you have two-thirds of your stack committed in the big blind for 20,000 while holding 10 of Spades2 of Diamonds.

An opponent in early position raises to 60,000 and is called by two opponents. You’re going to call. The fact that you have 10 of Spades2 of Diamonds is irrelevant. You’re getting fantastic odds, and your cards are likely live. If you commit your extra 10,000, you’re giving yourself a chance of bagging a pot of 120,000, no matter how slim that chance might be.

If you fold, you’ll be all-in in the small blind with no guarantee your hand will be any better. Even if you’re dealt Ace of DiamondsAce of Clubs, you won’t have the option of raising to isolate or narrow the field. The more people you face off against, the less likely you are to win the hand. And if you get lucky and end up heads-up against the big blind, you won’t win as much as the current big blind back.

Playing the final table – middle stack

Be cautious and wary of the short stacks. They are likely to destroy themselves, so don’t go looking to take them out. Sure, if the opportunity presents itself and you have a great hand, strike while the iron is hot! Just don’t try to be a hero.

If you’re not being dealt strong hands, you’re better off stealing blinds where you can and waiting until the short stacks end up all-in against your monster or a big stack who can afford to call with a marginal hand.

Playing the final table – big stack

This is where things get fun. Steal a few blinds where you feel it’s safe to do so, but don’t get yourself into sticky situations you don’t need to be in.

You can afford to pick your moments. The short stacks are going to be forced to make moves, and you have the luxury of calling them when you deem it fit and folding when you know you’re behind or there’s no value.

When you get down to the final five, it will come down to good poker and good luck. You’ve put in a stellar effort to come this far. No matter where you finish from here, you’ll have enough to start building a bankroll, even if it means starting off grinding $1.00 Sit & Go’s.