Online Casino

George | September 28, 2018

There is a common belief among professional gamblers that the best strategy for winning at Roulette is not to play. However, this didn’t stop a group of chaos theorist scientists from trying to beat the game. In 2012, the American Institute of Physics published a journal called Chaos on the game of Roulette, focusing on […]

George | September 28, 2018

In a move to ensure more gambling profits stay in the state, Oklahoma lawmakers have allowed traditional dice and ball games back into casinos. These games were made illegal in 2004. Since the new law came into place earlier this year, casinos across Oklahoma have been expanding their offerings to include Roulette and Craps. Customers […]

George | May 8, 2014

Many people in the UK and Europe were heartened to see positive changes in the US casino and gaming market. While the impact on players here may not have been massive, anything that strengthens the online casino and gaming community is positive. However, problems can arise from new developments. One US casino player found herself […]

Andrew | December 16, 2013

There are some games in an online casino that differ significantly from their real-life counterparts. An online Roulette table tries to offer the same drama and tension as playing at a physical Roulette table, but it can’t quite match the high tension of watching the ball whizz around the wheel in person. While the online […]

Todd | October 23, 2008

In an attempt to bring a more community-style feel and traditional gaming experience to online casino enthusiasts, many companies have started introducing various games using a virtual dealer. Mirada Gaming is the latest to introduce its newest virtual gaming product, Virtual Dealer Roulette. These games create a real-life atmosphere for online casinos’ most popular games. […]

Todd | October 15, 2008

The current economic situation in the United States isn’t only affecting auto makers and insurance companies. The Nevada Gaming and Control Board has announced that gaming revenues are down for the eighth straight month. With soaring fuel prices, cash-strapped consumers find it too expensive to go to Las Vegas, let alone gamble money away once […]